You’re Invited
to the
Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, January 19th, 2021 at 6:00PM


Meet Your 2021 Board of Director Candidates

For the year 2021, there were four open positions for the Board of Directors, and we received nominations for four candidates. Therefore we do not require an election. The candidates listed below are hereby acclaimed. Please see below for a brief bio for each candidate.

Ben Dekker

Wayne Freer

Donna Langford

Rudy Fischer

Ben Dekker

Ben comes from outside Wyoming where he has farmed with his wife and family since the mid 1990’s. He has worked in the livestock sector providing vitamin and mineral premixes to hog, dairy and poultry clients in Ontario since 1990. He has served his community as a member of Plympton-Wyoming Town Council for 18 years, and more recently has been a board member of the credit union since 2015. Ben is currently the Chair of the Board of Directors.

Wayne Freer

"I have been a life long resident of Lambton County, spending all but 5 years living in Sarnia. I joined Southwest Credit Union (then Moore Credit Union) in 1974 as a process operator at Shell Canada, Corunna, retiring in 2004. Prior to joining Shell I as was enrolled in the Certified General Accountant program working in accounting and administrative roles. Operating a small service business, volunteering as a lay minister, leading a local mower racing club have provided community experience that has assisted in my role as director over the past 3 years. I have completed the director trading course and look forward to another 3 years."

Donna Langford

"I am submitting my name for nomination regarding  a position of the Southwest Regional Credit Union board of directors.

I have been a member for ten years and have used many of the services offered by SWRCU.

I feel that I will bring a valuable amount of confidence and experience, as I have ran my own business for 10 years, learning that being successful comes with ups and downs, but more importantly is the ability to change, diversify when needed, and in these ever changing times we are experiencing now, flexibility is key, I feel that for the SWRCU to also remain successful, it must,  as well, keep progressing forward with new and innovative thinking and practices, which  can only be achieved by cooperative and agreeable decisions.

I want to continue to see the SWRCU succeed and prosper, if my name is selected to insure that this goal can be achieved, I would bring my experiences and thoughts along to be combined with the other board directors to achieve the goal of serving people with people thrive and flourish."

Rudy Fischer

After graduating from Lambton College in Sarnia, Rudy moved around Ontario working in many industries including Technical Engineering, Marketing, Business Consulting, Accounting, Tax Services, Project Management, and Financial Management, among many others.

Rudy moved back to Sarnia in 2017 to teach Introduction to Economics at Lambton College, Management Principles at Fanshawe College and continued consulting with RKFischer & Associates. He took on controller roles for companies in Southwestern Ontario and has recently started Entrust Accounting and Advisory Services, a practice providing accounting and tax services to the public.

Rudy has been a board member of Southwest Regional Credit Union since 2018 and is a former board member of Education Credit Union from 2013 - 2016. Rudy achieved the Accredited Canadian Credit Union Director designation in 2016.

1205 Exmouth Street,
Sarnia, ON N7S 1W7

P: 519-383-0750
F: 519-383-0677

411 Lyndoch Street,
Corunna, ON N0N 1G0

P: 519-862-1421
F: 519-862-1423

618 Broadway Street,
Wyoming, ON N0N 1T0

P: 519-845-3362
F: 519-845-0731

7 McNaughton Avenue
Wallaceburg, ON N8A 1R7

P: 519-627-6744
F: 519-627-3275